Birthday Cards

4.25" x 5.5" Worm Wishes Gweeting Card on 110-pound stock. Ivory-colored card with matching envelope.
BirthdayWillardScott20PercenteetingCard_Image.jpg Birthday Willard Scott Greeting Card
Outside: If you continue to rack up the years Inside: Willard Scott's gonna know your name. Happy Birthday!
Dementia20Percent Dementia Birthday Greeting Card
Outside:Demenia? Inside: No, it's only menopause. Happy Birthday!
BirthdayGoldenOldie20PercentGreetingCard_Image.jpg Golden Oldie Greeting Card
Outside: You know you're getting old when... Inside: Your make-out song is now a Golden-Oldie. Happy Birthday!
LawrenceWelk20Percent Lawrence Welk Greeting Card
Outside: You know you're getting old when... Inside: You accidently tune into the Lawrence Welk show and don't throw up. Happy Birthday!
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